Half Term

Pic(s) of the week 17/2/19

Its half term – at last.

Its been a long six week stint since the Christmas holidays, always a difficult time of the school year, and a week longer this year than normal (although the corollary of that is that now I have nothing longer than five weeks in a row before a break.)

Sophie cam home from uni on Friday evening, lovely to see her again and have the whole family back under one roof for a week.

For some reason, only fathomable to 16 year old boys, Sam is going to have a boxing match v one of his pals in the Easter holidays. Not a good idea, but at least it is giving him some motivation to get a bit fitter. Yesterday he & I “sparred”  on the deck: he has bought some boxing gloves, I get to hold the pads we he then hits. Madness (& surprisingly hard work.)

The weather has definitely perked up, last Thursday & Friday were beautiful. Typically, its not been so good since half term began, but its dry, bright at times and still light at 5.30 which is remarkably uplifting.

I’m sure I’ll blink and it will be over, but right now its wonderful to think that the next week is mine!

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