Pick of the week 27/3/16
Two for the price of 1 this week!
(Deck & Trellis – sounds like the name of a pub)
A beautiful day on Friday (Good Friday), first day of my hols, and an opportunity to begin building my deck. The pic above just shows the planning phase – at this stage nothing has been dug, or fixed. By the end of the day the first three pads were in place and the joists cut to size. Then, the next day, the rain came and outdoor work has been delayed since.
Also included this pic of me taking down a trellis panel as the deck will just overhang the bed. Removing it should connect the two halves of the garden into one space. Hopefully, when all is completed, one would forget that the trellis was ever there, so I though it important to include a pic of its destruction as a reminder of what went before.