Sit Down – James

Track of the week 28/517
Think this would make it into my personal top twenty, maybe even my Top Ten tracks, ever.

Insatntly takes me back to my fourth year at Uni and sticky floored discos in “Notty Hall.”

At the time I had no idea what it was about, I just (& still do) loved the upbeat indie track, and its anthemic nature. Have since realised its all about mental illness.

Play it and you can’t help but sing along.


Pic of the week 28/5/17

The first half of term ended in a burst of sunshine, a wonderful mini-heatwave that ended with a massive thunder & lightening storm on Friday night/Saturday morning.

Its now Bank Holiday Monday, the first day of half term, and it is grey and drizzling. Typical. But the sun was wonderful whilst it shone, here’s hoping its not gone too long.

Gold – Spandau Ballet

Track of the week 21/5/17

No real reason this week. Just a great track.

My love is like a high prison wall
But you could leave me standing so tall


They think its all over …

… it is now! Pic of the week 21/5/17

Fourth Place!

I’m chuffed with that. A month a go I was languishing in mid-table and doubting my stat-ing future.  I couldn’t call a game, and I was growing disillusioned and a little bored. But what a late April/Early May.

I’ve surged up the table, somehow finding myself in 5th place going in to today’s final round of games. And after another good performance I’ve moved up one place to finish the season in 4th place – a personal best, and also the first time I have beaten Marc (Menaggio Myla).

Don’t yet know if I’m in the money (hoping to a least get my entry fee reimbursed), but I am genuinely delighted (and, obviously, easily pleased.)

‘Til next season …

8K Splits

Rather pleased with myself today – went for a run, my normal 7K loop with an extra K on the end by running the Elmhurst cycle.

Each KM split was sub 5 minutes, a first.

Did the 8Ks in 38:32, quite an impressive time.

Father and Son – Cat Stevens

Track of the week 14/5/17

Sam went to see Guardians of the Galaxy 2 yesterday and he came home raving about the film and impressed with the soundtrack.

So I looked up the play list and this was on it and thought that it was an apt track of the week.

But take your time, think a lot
Think of everything you’ve got
For you will still be here tomorrow
But your dreams may not

I hope Sam’s dreams stay with him for a long time yet.

And as for me, well,

Look at me, I am old
But I’m happy

A wife of 21 years who I love as much now as I did when we first met, and two wonderful children – my dreams have come true.


Paxman Peabody

Pic of the week 14/5/17

Pic of the week has nothing to do with the post this week. A pic of the back garden, ‘cos its a nice pic, and will also provide a record for what leafs up when.

Channeling my inner-Paxman

So earlier this week a post from our MP, James Heappey popped up in my FB timeline. Basically he was criticising Tessa Munt (who he ousted in the last election and is standing against him again this year) for wanting two jobs (she has just been elected as Councillor and wants to also be our MP.)  Fair enough to criticise, but had he ever criticied those in his own party for holding down more than one job?  So I asked him:

Jeff Peabody Mr Heapey – could you point me in the direction of some evidence that you similarly called out George Osborne – a sitting MP – when he took on yet another role as Editor of the evening standard. Or Boris Johnson, who combined his Mayorship of London with being an MP? I look forward to your response (although I shan’t hold my breath – I once contacted you before, but you never bothered to respond. And you’ve only got one job. Perhaps that’s too much for you?)

James Heappey Jeff, we’ve no record of receiving any emails from you and I notice you spelt my name wrong in your post. Could you have got the wrong address? I was on but you can now reach me on We have a record of absolutely everything we’ve received (and responded to). If you’re sure you got the address right, let me know, we’ll ask Parliament to check the server – they might be able to confirm what happened.

Jeff Peabody No, I replied directly to an email you sent me some years ago. Not too sure how you got my email address, but if you send me an (unsolicited) email, I would expect you to have the courtesy to reply. Leaving that aside, you now have the chance to answer the question I have today: You have castigated Ms Munt for (potentially) having a second job whilst an MP. Have you similarly castigated George Osborne & Boris Johnson who have also very publicly held other jobs whilst an MP?

James Heappey I don’t think Jeff’s question is unfair. As it happens, I think I might have condemned the number of jobs taken on by George Osborne in passing with a local radio station a few weeks ago. I think the bigger point though is that leaflets in 2010 criticised David H-A for having more than one job. Leaflets in 2015 boasted that she’d only had – and would always only have – one job. But now she wants two jobs and with those two jobs come some difficult choices because you can’t be in two places at once.

Jeff Peabody James Heappey Thank you for your reply. You stance would be strengthened if you could supply evidence (rather than a somewhat vague reference to possibly saying something in passing) Does she really want two jobs, or would she give up her new job if she got yours?! Who knows, but if you are criticising her for two jobs, then you must surely also critisice your colleagues who also have two jobs? And herein lies the problem for we, the voting masses: to us you all look like a duplicitous bunch of backstabbers who would sell your own mother for an extra vote (and, given her leaflet, I include Ms Munt in that collective group) At least you’ve taken the time to engage, and once again, thank you for that.

James Heappey Jeff Peabody I genuinely can’t remember which radio program I was talking to when I made my comment but I’m making exactly the criticism you seek now. That’s not to say that all MPs with outside interests are doing the wrong thing – some sit on advisory panels, others maintain a professional qualification in medicine, the law or accountancy, others serve in our reserve armed forces. They manage their time but they’d also tell you that they have to make compromises on both jobs and sometimes they have to prioritise one over the other. You cannot do both as successfully as you would if you only had one or the other. As for George Osborne – Great guy with lots of talent but he was taking the piss on the job front. He’s done the right thing to step down although I suspect he’ll be back!

There were some comments from others – both trolling and supporting my original question – but I think the conversation above needs recording. To be fair, at least he did engage with me, the great unwashed, but I still think it highly ironic and hypocritical for someone from the same party as George Osborne & Boris Johnson, to chastise another would-be MP for possibly having two jobs.  Plus, I suspect that Ms Munt put herself up for election for the council long before the General Election and would stand down from her Council committments if she can oust Mr Heappey from office.

Love Shine A Light – Katrina & The Waves

Track of the week 7/5/17

Eurovision must be approaching as I recently read a countdown of the top 50(?) UK entries and this was near the top.

Another slice of cheesecake, but a good uplifting track that’ll worm its way into your head. You have been warned – play at your peril!

Becky & Granny

Pic of the week 7/5/17

Not too much to report this week.

Becky went to Cornwall on Saturday to see her Granny.

Sam spent an eye-watering amount of money on a pair of Nike Air Jordan’s – and I then got a text on Saturday:

How do you clean dog poo of shoes?

He’d evidently stood in some when out and about with his pals in Wells on Saturday.  Later that afternoon I got another text:

Can you pick me up or do I have to get the bus because my trouser have ripped

So, of course, I picked him up.

Despite the above, he had a good day.

Today I lined the U15 Div 1 Cup Final, another good day out, Taunton won 4-1.

Applied to de-register from VAT

All in the course of a “normal” week!