Empty nesters

Pic of the week 26/9/21

So we are now  officially empty nesters!

Sophie went back to Reading a week and a half ago, and on Wednesday, Becky took Sam to Cardiff University.

Most importantly, they both seem to be happy, enjoying university life in their different ways and it is good that they are amongst youngsters of their own age.

So now it is just Becky & I rattling around at home together!

Yesterday (it being exeat) we went for a walk together in the morning, and in the afternoon I planted up a number (but not all!) of bulbs. The weather yesterday wasn’t as good as we’d hoped, although warm it was quite damp  and we even had some drizzle in the afternoon. Today has been a glourious day, full of sunshine and blue skies. I’ve spent most of it outside cutting back the brown tree, mowing the lawn and cutting back the sunflower heads (dry as a crisp – a job to be done today, as tomorrow the rains (and cold) come). Becky seems to have spent most of the day cleaning (I now have no-one else to blame any mess on!)

It does feel a little odd, it seems almost artificially quiet, but we’ll get used to it!


Pic of the week 19/9/21

So Thursday saw Sophie return to Reading for her final year at uni.

She’s been at home for the last 18 months have dashed home from halls in March 2020 at the start of the pandemic and its good for her to be returning to some sort of normality for a 21 year old. How everything fitted into her Micra I don’t know, but it did, and the house suddenly seems bigger again!

In other, important news, my weight fell below 13 stone for the first time this year. December ’20 was bad for me (weight-wise) the inevitabikity of Christmas pounds was added to by a lack of mobility due to my bad back. The pounds crept on, and never came off, reaching a peak of 13 stone 7 in April. In the summer, I decided I had to do something, and I started missing breakfast on a few occasions – fasting, which had a positive impact, the weight coming off, but also training my mind again that I don’t have to always eat.  Thursday and this morning saw the scales tip out at (just!) below the 13 stone mark; I don’t think its fair to say I’ve re-established my weight at sub 13, but I’m on the way.

The last supper

Pic of the week 12/9/21

Well that was a busy week.

The start of the new school year, and I don’t think I’ve really stopped.

Anyway, on Friday we all went out to Ask for a last meal before the bambinos start returning to uni.

A lovely evening.

Farewell to summer

Pic of the week 5/9/21

With a certain sense of irony, after a poor summer weather-wise, the sun has come out just as I return to school, marking for me, at least, the end of summer.

Its been a fantastic summer, I have enjoyed every minute of it, and it has marked a sense of something different from the groundhog days of the last 18 months, a sense of returning to some semblance of normality, giving a purpose to what I do the rest of the year, so it allows me to enjoy the eight weeks I have just had.

Of course, the two weeks in Corfu was the highlight and I can’t help but think how important it was to have those two weeks. I think they carried out a “factory reset” on me – erasing all the crap and crud of the last eighteen months and restoring my mojo.

I’ve used the time to improve my fitness and lose a little weight. I was shocked at how tough I was finding running at the start of the hols – both physically and mentally, I wasn’t really buzzing for it anymore. But the last couple of weeks, I’ve regained that joy of pounding the streets. I think its a bit of a virtuous circle – because I’ve lost a little weight (although still just the wrong side of 13 stone!) the running is easier, so you ran further and faster, so it gets easier etc. I’ve also returned to the swimming pool and swimming a Km once a week is something I need to keep up with.

My Spanish has improved, I’m now in a position where I can watch and read (easyish) Spanish TV and books, and this is hugely rewarding and enjoyable.

Our day trip to London was another highlight and, although the reason for going was very sad, I also enjoyed our day trip to Cornwall. I just really like spending time with Becky!

Sam’s speeding ticket and  the car breaking down have been low points, but on the whole its been a good summer.

Back to school tomorrow, and the adventures of a new role of Assistant Head of Middle School (Year 10)