Beautiful weather

Pick of the week 27/3/22

Just a quick post as I am very tired today – another long week, 5 weeks into term, and one to go, and the clocks went forward last night, costing us an hour’s sleep. Was up early-ish (7.15 new time) this morning to go and collect Sophie from Reading, and Sam graced us with a flying visit (for food and a bed) last night. Suspect I’ll be snoozing on the sofa before long …

This last week we have had beautiful weather, sunshine, blue skies and temperatures in the high teens. Its been wonderful.  Its forceast to return to March normals – and possibly colder – next week, but we’ve enjoyed it whilst we’ve had it. The plants have enjoyed it too, this pic is one of the tulips that is now flowering in the “big planter” I built a year ago.


Pic of the week 20/3/22

So its probably taken me a few weeks longer than I might have hoped, but I am now regularly seeing my weight as sub 13 stones. It fluctuates on a daily basis, with Monday seeing me at my heaviest, but for the last three weeks I have had several days each week in the sub 13 stone category, and I am pleased about that.  It would have been very easy to have accepted 13 and half as the new norm, but then a t some point, that would have crept up again and so on.  I’m sure come the hols, and Naples, the pounds will pile back on, but piling back on from a lower base must be a good thing.

Today’s pic shows the downstairs loo, with our new tiles and the bright blue woodwork, a colour I am really coming to enjoy.

The sun has shone for the last couple of days, and the week ahead promises to be glorious – I’m looking forward to blue skies and a bit of warmth.

Magnifcent Magnolia

Pic of the week 13/3/22

It has been another tough, tiring week at work for me, but one’s spirits are lifted by the signs of Spring that are now beginning to burst forth. All of a sudden, I can look out of my window and see our magnificent magnolia full of bloom and flower. It is almost as if it has snuck up on us, going from a collection of twigs to big flowers almost overnight.

The daffodils we planted last September are now also doing their stuff and are sitting proud in their clumps all across the garden.  The giant planter at the front of the house looks really good now there is a mix of dafs in flower, interspersed with the grape hyacinths that have, at last, begun to flower. As I write, the rain is once again failing (and yesterday was v cold in the v strong wind) but much of the day today has seen the sun shine through blue skies, and it has been uplifting.

After my run – not the best of time due to the strong wind – breakfast, pottering outside (tidying up the scarps of tiles that were left outside in the front garden and went to the tip to dispose of them x2 bags at £4 per bag) lunch, a read and a snooze, I do feel re-energised and revitalised for the week to come. I think we can safely say winter is pretty much over, and spring is on its way.

Fun with power tools

Pic of the week

It has been a tough week at work.  Can’t really write why, here, but it was both busy and difficult.

So I was looking forward to today – going for a run, and then firing up my new circular saw. We’ve had the hall floor tiled (looks ace), but that of course means the floor level is higher and so doors need the bottom slicing off them.  I decided to invest in a circular saw, a couple of saw horses to support my work, and some clamps to keep everything in place. Over the years, I’ve learned the value of having the right tools – it makes everything so much easier.

Its been dry (so I could work outside) but cold, and a bit blustery, and I enjoyed immersing myself in my jobs.  Still a lot to do – just having one day off a week really does mean you try and cram everything into the one day, and its never enough time.  I had fun, am pleased with what I achieved, but am tired now. Early to bed tonight …