The sun shines at last

Pick of the week 27/8/17

And so, just as the hols draw to a close, the sun begins to shine. Today (Sunday) has been a glorious, sunny, hot day, and tomorrow promises the same.  At last.  Weather wise, its been a pretty poor summer holiday.

Pictured above are some shots of the bounty of the garden.  Finally starting to get a good crop of runner beans (I don’t think we had enough insect pollinators in the early days) and only two courgettes.  We’ve had plenty of diddy courgettes, but there have been very few male flowers, meaning the fruits have been fertilised and swollen into proper courgettes.

In other news, was GCSE results on Thursday. My two classes did well.

Don’t Let Me Down Gently – The Wonder Stuff

Track of the week 20/8/17

Another spinning track. Heard it last week, remembered it, loved it, but by the end of the session couldn’t recall it at all.  All I could remember was that there had been a track I hadn’t heard for ages, but I couldn’t conjure up anything about the track.

Fast forward to this week. Second or third track into the class, it comes on again. “Must remember it this time” I tell myself, so really focus on the song.  Begin to think it may have been The Wonder Stuff …?

Anyway – twenty minutes, and two aching legs, on and I realise I can’t bring the song back to mind again. Bugger.

Showered, toasted and sitting on the sofa I still can’t “hear” the song – but I do remember a possible tenuous link to The Wonder Stuff.

Up the Poldens!

Pic of the week 20/8/17

For some time I’ve fancied going up the Poldens – the ridgeway that runs to the south of Street, seperating us from Somerton and the South. I first became aware of the area when travelling on the coach to Kingweston (take a different route when going by car).  So I researched a little and it seems the Poldens, and a public right of way, runs from Walton along the ridgeway, ending near Kingweston.

So on Monday, with the weather set fair, Becky, Sam and I headed for the hills (Sophie was at work.) We had a really pleasant afternoon, ambling along the pathway, stopping to examine Admiral Hood’s monument, pick a few blackberries and explore the woods.  If we’d kept going a bit further we’d have have emerged at Gilling Down – the big stone outcrop I’ve often noticed when driving back from Somerton way. A shame we didn’t quite make it that far as it would have opened up a quite spectacular vista across the levels.  Anyway, must go back there in half term – if not before – to see it in its autumnal splendour.

In other news, Thursday was a bit of stressful day. Awoken unnecessarily early at 6 am for Sophie’s AS level results, they finally pinged through at circa 7am – BBCC.  She was a little disappointed – got a C in Geog but was only one mark of a B and Maths.  My classes had done alright in their AS & A Level results.  Took the car (Mini) in for its MOT – fortunately it came through, with a bill, including service of sub £200. And just to add to the stress, we took same shopping for his school shoes.  Glad we won’t have to do that again (as long as he gets away with what we have bought, which look suspiciously like black trainers to me …)

Rhinetsone Cowboy – Glenn Campbell

Track of the week 13/8/17

Not just a slice, a hunk of cheese this week.

One of those songs that one instantly remembers from one’s childhood, but no real idea of who sang it, and when.

Anyway, it was Glenn Campbell and he passed away this week so this track – along with Witchita Lineman – inevitably got some airplay, enough to worm its way into my head, and hence make it as track of the week.

Birthday Boy!

Pic of the week 13/8/17

Sam turned 15 on Monday!

Growing up too fast, he’s definitely now a teenager – he has the height, the voice and the desire to sleep late into the morning.

A great day, he got a OnePlus 3 phone (with the added bonus that I now have his old iPhone 5C, finally consigning my Nokia brick into history …)

Fat Mama – Herbie Hancock

Track of the week 6/8/17
Why haven’t I heard this chunk of funky goodness before?
A top track, although Becky somehow, inexplicably, disagrees, calling it “elevator music”. Well, if that’s what they play in lifts, I could ride all day. Take me down.

Graveling the Garden II

Pic of the week 6/8/17

On Monday morning I took delivery of (another) bulk bag of gravel from Bradfords (circa £65 inc. delivery) and began laying it in the garden where the “dividing bed” used to be.

Looks good, here’s a before and after shot:

I also gave the front hedge a (significant) hair cut – quite surprising how much growth there was, and how it looks a whole load better now its been trimmed back.

Weather continues to be rubbish.