Tooth part II

Pic of the week 25/3/18

So, a week ago I was in pain. Mind bending, throbbing pain. I woke on Monday morning and I was no better.  I couldn’t go on like that.

Phoned “my” dentist – nothing they could do for me until my appointment on 26th (tomorrow!) Given the number for Somerset emergency dental, called them up and they got me an appointment for that afternoon (Monday 19th March)

Dentist had a look, took an x-ray and diagnosed an abscess.  Gave me a big injection and my face froze. The dentist began her work – not exactly sure what she did, but I was euphoric – no pain for the first time in days, combined with whatever was in the anesthetic, combined with the knowledge it was going to be sorted. Bliss.

A mini vacuum hoovered around in my mouth, I was bashed & beaten – apparently the abscess was drained, packed with antibiotics and fillings placed over my teeth.  I picked up a prescription of antibiotics and headed home, happy as Larry.

A few hours later, the anesthetic wore off and the pain returned, I was worried that the problem hadn’t been sorted.  But as the days moved on, so the pain became less – today is my first pain-relief free day.

Back to the dentist tomorrow for my scheduled appointment, to find out what my dental future holds.

In other news – clocks went forward today, accompanied by sun & blue skies, the first hint of spring, although its due to leave us again next week for more rain & cold.  And I booked two tickets for Deacon Blue in Portsmouth in November – something to look forward, other than the absence of dental pain and the warm weather that must, surely, just be round the corner.

What becomes of the brokenhearted? Jimmy Ruffin

Track of the week
I’ve always been a soul boy at heart – who doesn’t love a bit of Motown?

I first unearthed this gem on a “Best of Motown” LP I bought and I recall playing it at lot at RAF Lossiemouth or RAF Kinloss (can’t remember which)  I didn’t know the track before I bought the album but it soon became a firm favourite.

I believe that this was a one hit wonder for Mr Ruffin – to be fair, you can’t improve on perfection.

Tooth Ache

Pic of the week 18/3/18

This week’s entry should have all been about my new role as AHOY – Assistant Head of Year – which after much delay, and a couple of interviews, I secured this week.

But no, its been overshadowed by tootache.  Bloomin’ painful toothache.

I know that my teeth have been in a shocking state for some time – I had meant to put going to the dentist as one of my goals, aims and targets for the year – but I’ve been lucky: despite being cracked and coloured, they’ve not caused me too many problems. Until now.

First hint came on Tuesday night. I’d been for a swim and I suspect that this was enough to trigger a little cold that’s been going ’round. I have noticed that when I get a cold now it does also hurt in my back left lower tooth – the one that is cracked is barely half a tooth.

By Wednesday evening, it was hurting on and off, enough to dig out the dentist forms and send Becky off to register me a the local practice.  However, I was pretty confident that once I shook of the cold, all would be well again.

Woke at circa 2 am Friday to Saturday night and it was killing. Eventually popped a few pills and fell to sleep.  Saturday day was not too bad. Refereed on Saturday afternoon – absolutely freezing:  temp around zero, with strong wind chill thrown in.  Couldn’t feel my face for most of the afternoon. After the game, thawing out, look in the mirror and I had a huge lump under my left jaw. Not good. Once I warmed up, may tooth/jaw really began to hurt.

Undoubtedly an infection, but my general tiredness didn’t help.   Again, 2 am last night I awoke with a deep throbbing pain.  Popped the pills and back to sleep.  Still hurt this morning, have now got myself quite a collection of oral health products.  Had a little snooze which helped.

And then I remembered my ice pack Becky got me for Christmas, and this has made a real difference.  Soothing, the swelling is receding the pain changing from a deep throbbing to a much more manageable sharper “wobbly tooth” pain.  Have a dentist appointment a week tomorrow – hopefully I can now make it until then …

Mother’s Day

Pic of the week 11/3/18

Mother’s Day.

I’m struggling for words, other than I have the best mum possible for my two wonderful children.

I could be happy – Altered Images

Track of the week 4/3/18

A nice bit of frothy Scottish Indie pop this week.

Not quite sure what the man in a lion costume is all about, and is it just me, or does Clare Grogen have unnaturally long arms?

Beast from the East

Pic of the week 4/3/18

Wednesday – the last day of February was cold, very cold, but it was not until after lunch on Thursday 1st March that the snow began to fall, heralding the arrival of the Beast from the East.

And that evening and night, it dumped a whole lot of snow.  The first significant snowfall for 5 years. Enough snowfall to result in a snow day (or two) but not for me, being but a five minute walk to school.  (For the first time in over two years I regretted moving from Shepton!)

Snow is dispruptingly exciting and fun, beautiful, and blessedly rare. A rather cool drift was sculptured in our back garden; it was quite interesting to see how the snow swirled and illuminated the eddies and gusts.

Two days on, the beast is now slain. Its cold, white, wet entrails still lie strewn across some patches of ground, but the thaw has been swift. The temperature has risen, the sun has shone, rain has fallen to wash it away. It’ll soon fade into a dim memory as the warm spring sun shines through, announcing the end of winter and the promise of hot days to come.