
Pic of the week 25/4/21

So haircuts are allowed again, and Di came on Friday to cut our hair.  Mine’s not been a problem, with Becky giving it a shave, and trim at the front, every few weeks. But, despite my best efforts, Becky’s hair has just got bigger, and bigger, and bigger.

So on Wednesday she had it coloured, and on Friday it was cut – I think she is pleased with the results.

(In other news, most of the sunflower seeds that I planted last week have now all popped up, which is exciting.)

Yoga re-starts

Pic of the week

On Wednesday, Becky and I returned to yoga for the first time in over a year.

It was fantastic – stretching out all those limbs and muscles that had become weak and feeble felt good. I didn’t ache too much the next day, but was “aware” that I had done yoga the night before. And it also felt as if it was return to normality and that was physiologically quite powerful.  Really enjoyed it.

In other news, for the record, today I planted 40 sunflower seeds in individual tray pots in the lobby.  Weather wise, this week has been quite cold, with frosts in the early morning and clear skies during the day. Yesterday and today got quite warm when sat in the sunshine. Has been dry for a few weeks now – which is good – just need the temperature to climb a little quicker.

Hols End

Pic of the week 11/4/21

And so the hols draw to a close.

Due to covid, we’ve not done a lot (and should be flying off to Seville tomorrow …) and the weather has been changeable (cold this week – Tuesday was the worst day, with sleet and snow, and it was v. cold referee-ing that evening), but everything is greening up, the days lengthening and there is warmth in the sun when it shines.

Sam is back in work today, I return to work tomorrow. I must confess, the last twelve months have left me somewhat discombobulated – the rhythm of the year has been shattered. A long first half of term ahead, followed by a sprint to the end of the academic year – I’m hoping the coming term restores some balance to may day to day, week by week existence.

New Bed

Pic of the week 4/4/21

This week I have built a new flower bed at the front of the house.

It’s not been easy – the fact that the ground slopes away quite significantly from right to left presented a challenge, but a challenge that I rose to! My big take away from the project was a reminder of having the right tools for the job. I begun with my old jigsaw and rusty old saw, neither of which was up to the magnitude of the task. Although I got a lot done with them, it wasn’t easy. So a trip to Screwfix and a new jigsaw and saw and suddenly it was doable again.

Still have to line it, and fill it with soil, and then plant it up. But it does look good.

And the pictures also give a hint of some of the lovely weather we have had this week. Mid-week, we had a couple of glorious days, during which I sat out back and read. It has stayed dry and sunny, but the temperature has fallen over the last few days, and tomorrow is set to be v cold.

In other news, football restarted this week and both yesterday and today I refereed games – good to be back in black.